BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240615T010000Z DTEND:20240615T030000Z LOCATION:311 Vernon St. Roseville CA, 95678 UID:20240616T035800Z_9ff442c3-07ed-49cb-953d-a61adaa16566 DTSTAMP:20240616T035800Z SUMMARY:Tacos and Tunes 2024 DESCRIPTION:You are invited along with family and/or friends to join us for the third annual Taco and Tunes. Tacos provided from Dos Tacos y Mas 3 choices of meat or vegetarian rice, beans, guacamole and sauces. Jarritos sodas and water. Musical entertainment is provided by the Urban Sherpasa quintet that plays unique jazz-rock-fusion originals and covers. Our very own Steve Harris is the guitarist. *Please bring chairs or blankets to listen to band. PRIORITY:5 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR