BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240614T170000Z DTEND:20240614T180000Z LOCATION: , UID:20240504T205700Z_d7c06aed-c647-434e-9aca-df3f6373ba8b DTSTAMP:20240504T205700Z SUMMARY:Planning to Give DESCRIPTION:Would you rather see your money in the hands of the IRS, or a charitable cause that truly means something to you? You may have more control over where your wealth goes than you think. Our Planned Giving Seminar will teach you how to redirect thousands in tax dollars to charitable contributions and still retain as much wealth—if not more—in the long run. Planned Giving doesn’t require that you spend less on yourself or give your kids less. Most people with a net worth of over $1M will pay well into the six figures in taxes. It means to instead give some of that money to charity—not the money you need to live on. Join us to learn strategies for redirecting what otherwise might go to the IRS to the charities you support. We’ll discuss: How to get tax benefits now for gifts that are made to charity sometimes in the future How to avoid tax on RMD's (required withdrawals from IRAs and 401ks) How to get certain benefits of trusts (probate avoidance, creditor protection, control over when kids get money, etc.) without the costs of setting up a trust Donor Advised Funds, Dynasty Trusts, and Capital Gains Bypass Trusts PRIORITY:5 CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR