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Cars and Money

I use my car almost as much as I use my money . Interestingly, I have similar feelings around expectations of each. I don’t really want to know all the inner workings of my car. I want it to start, hum nicely, move when needed, and I prefer the tires stay inflated . A clean windshield is appreciated. I rely on my mechanic to do regular maintenance and like that the car reminds me when to take her in or even if there is a potential issue. When there is a road hazard that catches me off guard, I again rely on my mechanic to assess the damage, the impact to my use of the vehicle, and if the damage is reparable. I know she is in good hands.

Until. Until the repair cost of my car exceeds the value. Then I suddenly seem to want to know everything as if that will change the current situation. My mechanic is fabulously wonderful in explaining all the good measures I have taken in the life of my car. I purchased for my need, did regular maintenance, knew the life of the vehicle when I purchased it, made decisions on how I put miles on her, made corrective repairs, and she has served me well.

I rely on my money to meet my expectations too. Too be fair, I am rather informed to the inner workings of money which may be a double-edged sword. But I feel I have enough experience to say that most people are not that interested in the innerworkings of money. They want to know there is enough, that it is available when needed, when a life hazard throws a curve there are corrective measures to be taken, regular assessments to the health of their wealth, and if any adjustments are needed to keep it in good order – humming along the road of life.

Until the market goes down, a war breakout, inflation rears its ugly head, a hospital stay is more expensive than expected, or any uncertainty bears the emotions of reality. When life happens. This is when most people question everything and want to know it all. It is when the Google education makes no sense but is full of action ideas. Yet there is no trusted financial mechanic behind the readings. The article is not written specific to your situation no matter how similar it feels or how strongly it resonates with your emotions. Itis all too easy to fall into the spiral of news sound bites that seem to ring the emotional bell. We seem to understand it all now. And then a knee jerk reaction interferes with the best laid plans. And we sometimes learn we are not our best financial mechanics.

What are best laid plans? A sound strategy that aligns your values, goals, and risk tolerance to make comfortable and confident decisions around living your life fully. A plan that addresses your specific needs and visions of a life well lived. One that addresses the potential life quakes history shows as possibilities. One that recognizes the new issue of the world is always ‘different’ this time –just like the next one will be. One that addresses how money and life are intertwined. Is it time for a financial checkup? Call us to schedule your complimentary initial meeting. It may be worth your time.


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