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The Power of Preparation: Mitigating Downside Risk

As a financial advisor, one of the key responsibilities I believe I have is helping clients navigate the ups and downs of the financial markets. While it's impossible to predict or control market fluctuations entirely, managing downside risk can help preserve clients' wealth. In this article, I will fill you in on the importance of managing downside risk, strategies to mitigate it, and how I, as a financial advisor, assist clients in this endeavor.

Understanding Downside Risk:

Downside risk refers to the potential loss or decline in investment value during unfavorable market conditions. Financial markets are inherently volatile, influenced by various economic, political, and global factors.

I use several risk management strategies with my clients which I have summarized below:

Strategic Asset Allocation: A well-diversified portfolio can be the foundation of mitigating downside risk. By spreading investments across various asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, the impact of a single negative event can be mitigated.

Tactical Asset Allocation: This involves a dynamic investment strategy that deviates from a static, buy-and-hold approach. This strategy involves actively adjusting the allocation of investments across various asset classes in response to changing market conditions, economic indicators and other relevant factors. By tactically shifting portfolio allocations, I aim to capitalize on favorable market conditions and help protect against potential losses during unfavorable times.

Portfolio Rebalancing: This process adjusts the allocation of your assets back to their current target weights. This is done by selling a portion of the assets that have appreciated in value and using the proceeds to purchase assets that have underperformed. This creates an opportunity to buy low and sell high and can be effective when we experience extreme volatility.

Assessing Risk Tolerance and Portfolio Reviews: Establishing clear risk parameters is key to understanding financial goals and managing expectations. I help clients make informed investment decisions that align with their comfort levels. Then, with review of asset allocation, performance, and market conditions, I help to ensure that portfolios remain aligned with clients' goals and risk profiles.

In summary, my goal is to help mitigate risk so that your portfolio doesn’t have to work as hard to recover after a market decline. It can reduce much of the emotional angst we may feel when we see our portfolios decline. Recognizing the significance of downside risk is essential as it directly impacts investment portfolio performance and long-term financial goals.

Together, we can work to keep you on-track towards your financial goals. Request a consultation with us to learn more.

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