Upcoming events

Medicare 101


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Kellie Fogarty, Licensed Health Insurance Agent - Mindful Medicare

Daniel P. Morrissey, CFP®. CRPC™, CFS® - Private Wealth Advisor

Understanding Medicare Basics

  • Understanding what is covered by traditional Medicare.
  • A high-level look at insurance options to improve upon traditional Medicare.
  • Know your own timing when you should setup Medicare and how to avoid penalties.
To reserve a spot: call us at 717.270.6937 or email us at wanda.shenk@ampf.com
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Capital Market Outlooks


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Brian A. Guenard, Senior Regional Advisor Consultant - Columbia Threadneedle Investments

Daniel P. Morrissey, CFP®, CRPC™, CFS® - Private Wealth Advisor

To reserve a spot: call us at 717.270.6937 or email us at wanda.shenk@ampf.com
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