Team profile

Get to know K Doyle Financial Planning...

I am originally from Massachusetts; and have lived in Rhode Island since 2008.

As a part of this community, I have a passion for its sustainable future. I am a volunteer at The Rhode Island chapter of Citizens' Climate Lobby, working on climate change solutions with other local supporters. I am a member of REI: RENEW Energy Initiative, the association driven to promote energy-efficiency in organizations throughout New England. If you would like to integrate ESG considerations into your investment process, work with me to identify investments that might be right for you.

Relationships are key, and in our view, meeting face to face builds strong relationships. We meet when it’s convenient for our clients because we recognize the challenging needs of their businesses and lives.

Areas of focus

  • Business Retirement Plans
  • Social Security Retirement Benefits
  • Insurance

Community participation

I am passionate about supporting my community through volunteerism, board membership, and advocacy for its citizens in most need of help. Some of the causes that I support and serve are:

- REI - Renew Energy Initiative - Board Member

- CAB Community Action Board - Board Member

- Community Preparatory School - Development Committee

- DAIP - Diversity & Inclusion Professionals - Member

- SHRM - Society for Human Resources Management - Member

- RI Chamber of Commerce - Member

- RI chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby – Volunteer