Affinity Wealth Advisory Group, based in Phoenix, AZ, is dedicated to informing and guiding individuals experiencing life transitions, such as widowhood, divorce, retirement or business liquidity. Take a look at the latest perspectives from our practice.

When a Life Quake Hits

Life quakes are part of life...we can help!

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Steps for a successful life transition.

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The One-Off Years

The importance of managing tax efficiency with consideration for an investor's risk tolerance.

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When 30 Years Turns to 30 Days

The importance of reviewing and updating your financial and estate planning documents cannot be overstated.

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A Personal Story

How has your life been impacted by unscripted rewrites?

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Market Psychology

How understanding the purpose for your money can balance emotions and prevent them from driving decisions.

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Things to Think of Before Divorce

What should you consider before marriage to prepare for unexpected future outcomes?

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When Tomorrow Doesn't Arrive

Are you (and your loved ones) prepared for the unexpected? Here are some ways to successfully plan for the inevitable.

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What is a Financial Advisor?

Myths and misconceptions about the role of a financial advisor

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Some things you might consider when making decisions during a marriage that might impact a divorce should the marriage come to an end.

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Early Retirement

Consider both emotional and financial well-being when preparing for a transition to retirement.

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What Women Want From Their Wealth

Women often share similar perspectives on financial matters and goals.

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Cars and Money

I use my car almost as much as I use my money. Interestingly, I have similar feelings around expectations of each.

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It Wasn't Part of My Plan...and Then It Was

What have people discovered during divorce that they wish they knew in advance?

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Transition Planning for Cognitive Care

What are the impacts to family and finances when someone is experiencing cognitive challenges?

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Purposeful Planning

What is purposeful planning and how can it help prevent disruptions in your financial flow?

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Life Quakes

What is a life quake and how do some people cope while others crash?

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