We are dedicated to providing clients like you the information you need to progress towards your long-term goals. Take a look at the latest perspectives from our practice.
Got a Kid in Sports? Here’s How to Handle the Mounting Costs

Anyone with kids enrolled in sports knows the cost of participation can be quite high.

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Is Travel on Your Agenda in Retirement?

One of the great benefits of retirement is having the freedom to pursue new interests and hobbies at your leisure.

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Has Your Risk Tolerance Changed Over Time?

Risk tolerance can play a large part in determining the structure and composition of an individual's investments and financial plan.

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How to Pass Along a Tradition of Giving to Your Children

If you’re looking to impart financial values to your children, here are some ideas on how you can open their eyes to the gift of giving.

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Which IRA is Right for Me?

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are recognized as one of the most attractive retirement savings vehicles available to investors.

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Emergency Fund: What Is It and Why It Matters

Major car repairs, surprise medical bills, and loss of income are events we don’t tend to give much consideration to until they happen to us.

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Why Work with a Financial Advisor? Perspective from One.

One of the top questions I receive as a financial advisor is, “What exactly do you do and how can you help someone like me?”

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Is Now the Time to Sell Your Home?

The U.S. housing market is facing unusual times. Mortgage rates are at their highest levels in years, precluding some buyers from entering the market.

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Strategies to Protect Your Goals from Consistent Inflation

If you’re like most investors, you’ve noticed the impact of higher inflation in recent years –whether at the gas pump or the grocery store.

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Financial Checklist for the New Year

The changing calendar presents an opportunity to reflect, adjust and begin again in the direction of your goals.

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Here’s What to Know About the Costs of Pet Ownership

While we can’t put a price tag on the love we feel for our furry friends, the reality is that owning and caring for a pet costs money.

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Sending a Child to College? Here’s What to Know About Change

If you are preparing to send your child off to college within the next year, you may find yourself filling out the FAFSA.

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Four Strategies to Maximize your Charitable Giving

Many investors care deeply about giving back to their communities, and they often do so through traditional monetary gifts.

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Put Your Year-End Bonus to Work

For many Americans, the start of a New Year is the time they find out if they received a year-end bonus.

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Protecting Your Financial Stability After a Divorce

Like many aspects of divorce, managing your finances after splitting up with your spouse can feel complicated and overwhelming.

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You Can Save More for Retirement in 2024

Each year, the IRS releases new guidelines on the amount of money you can contribute to accounts.

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5 Reasons to Plan for Unwelcome Financial Surprises

While you can’t control what might happen in the future, you can control how you plan for it.

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College Tuition vs. Retirement - What to Prioritize

You can fund tour children’s college education and retirement simultaneously – here’s how.

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Tips to Prepare for Retirement When You Don’t Have Kids

Those without kids and grandkids may have more financial freedom and flexibility as they enter retirement and beyond.

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New to Investing? Here’s What You Need to Know

Here are five concepts that can be helpful for new investors to grasp.

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Entering Retirement Solo? Tips for Managing Your Finances

There are many people in this country who are planning their retirement on their own, without the help of a spouse or partner.

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How to Help Recent Graduates Achieve Financial Stability

If you’re the parent of a recent graduate who you’ve supported financially through college, you may be looking forward to passing the torch to them.

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4 Questions to Ask Aging Parents About their Finances

Avoiding the topic can create confusion and headaches down the line if your parents become incapacitated or pass away unexpectedly.

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How to Create Harmony with Your Wedding Budget

If you’re planning a wedding, you may experience sticker shock as you begin calculating costs.

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3Steps to Handle Market Volatility as You Approach Retiremet

Downward market volatility can feel particularly scary for people who plan to retire in the near future..

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Baby on the Way? Here’s How You Can Prepare Financially

Here are some items to keep in mind as you wait to meet your bundle of joy.

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4 Tips for Combining Finances with Your Partner

Maybe you’re getting married, moving in together, and life would be easier if you pooled your money together to cover expenses.

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Understand Your Financial Situation Before Cosigning

Understand Your Financial Situation Before Cosigning Your Child’s Loan

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5 Financial Considerations When Moving to a New State

Deciding whether to move to a different state comes with many considerations.

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Take a Fresh Look at Your Finances

Follow these tips to recommit yourself to your financial goals.

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Making Smart Choices with Home Equity Lines of Credit

A HELOC can be a valuable and convenient way for homeowners to access the equity they have built in their property and help meet cash flow needs.

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How to Weather an Unexpected Job Loss

If you’ve recently been laid off, or if you’re simply preparing for the prospect of job cuts at your organization, it can help to develop a game plan.

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Financial Considerations Before Taking a Career Break

Whatever the case maybe, if you plan to downshift your career – even temporarily – it’s wise to plan ahead.

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What You Should Know About the Debt Ceiling Debate

Congress is once again grappling with a need to raise the federal government’s debt ceiling limit.

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Guide to Inheriting a Home Due to a Death in the Family

If you stand to inherit a property, the gift presents a critical financial decision: whether to sell, rent or keep it.

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The Financial Challenges that Accompany a Cancer Diagnosis

On top of the toll cancer can take on our health, it can also create significant financial challenges.

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Habits in Recognition of Financial Capability Month

A time to reflect on the state of your finances and focus on organizing them in a way that will help you achieve your goals for the future.

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Financial Considerations When Remodeling Your Home

If you’re considering a home renovation, keep these tips in mind.

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How to View Your Investments in 2023

Investors came off a difficult year in 2022

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How to Make a Financial Comeback

If you find yourself facing an unexpected situation, here are five steps to help you regain your financial footing and confidence.

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Saving for College: What You Need to Know

While actual costs will depend on the selected school, many families rely on a combination of savings, loans, grants and scholarships to pay.

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5 Things You Might Be Surprised to Learn About Insurance

Do you feel like you have a clear handle on how to manage your insurance needs effectively?

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Setting Your Priorities – Reduce Debt or Invest More?

If you find yourself with extra cash – either a lump sum or excess dollars from your monthly paycheck – you may be wondering what to do with it.

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Financial Resolutions for the New Year

With the New Year now in full swing, you may be looking for ways to tighten up your finances.

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Managing Your Workplace Retirement Plan in Volatile Times

Investment markets are in a challenging period in which large swaths of the stock and bond market have lost value.

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Will You Spend Your Retirement Savings or Leave It Behind?

A key financial question for retirees is what to do with their hard-earned retirement savings.

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Put Your Child on a Path to Building a Solid Credit Score

Helping them learn to take care of their finances is one of the most valuable pieces of wisdom we can pass on to our kids.

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Saving for a Short-Term Goal

Those of us who are serious about planning for our financial lives tend to focus most of our attention on strategies to reach our key, long-term goals

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Setting and Achieving Financial Goals in the New Year

If the start of 2023 has you inspired to take on a healthier approach to your finances, you may be wondering how to do so and where to get started.

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Giving Back Strategically During the Holidays

Deciding which charities to support and at what level can feel overwhelming, but as with most things, it comes down to planning and prioritization.

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Make investing automatic with dollar-cost averaging

Dollar-cost averaging has the potential to help you accumulate wealth over time and throughout the market’s highs and lows.

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Generational Wealth – What Is It and How Can You Create It?

What exactly constitutes “generational wealth” –and how can you achieve it?

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Money Management for Couples

When long-term committed partners share their finances but not the same values and habits around money, it’s ripe for friction.

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Adjusting Your Spending to Deal with Inflation

Many people have come to terms with rising costs, here are some tactics to consider that can make a big difference.

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Are you financially prepared if disaster strikes?

Keeping you and your family safe is the ultimate priority but so is mitigating the impact of financial loss.

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Marginal Gains: Little changes can make a big difference

Mastering your finances & having a healthy relationship with money isn’t always easy. Little changes can make a big difference in your financial life.

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The Insurance You May Not Realize You Need

A good policy can reduce the financial impact of an adverse event, mitigate financial losses, provide stability, and, offer some peace of mind.

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Grandparents: Four Tips for Spending on Your Grandkids

Many grandparents spend money on their grandkids, here are four tips to keep it al in check.

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What You Need to Know During ‘Open Enrollment’ Period

If you’re like most employees in the US, open enrollment may be the only opportunity you’ll have to alter your health care benefits.

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7 Variations on Gift Giving for Your Spouse or Partner

There are plenty of occasions that may justify a gift for your spouse or partner: birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or just because.

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