We are dedicated to providing clients like you the information you need to progress towards your long-term goals. Take a look at the latest perspectives from our practice.
Fostering well-being in retirement

Making the most of your retirement years outside of the numbers.

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Considerations for selecting a pension survivor benefit

Discussing considerations when selecting a pension survivorship for your spouse.

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The retirement equation

Discussing all the factors that affect your retirement plan and focusing on the factors that are completely in your control.

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Disability insurance: protecting your greatest asset

Discussing the following: What is disability coverage, why is it needed, and how much coverage do you need.

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Tax-efficient investments inside of taxable accounts

Discussing two types of investments that should be considered inside of taxable accounts due to their tax efficiency.

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Time sensitive federal student loan update

Discussing the new IDR waiver, what the IDR waiver is, and how federal student loan borrowers can benefit.

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The power and necessity of liability insurance

What is liability coverage, why it's needed, and the protection it provides.

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Charitable gifting strategies

Discussing some of the most common charitable gifting strategies

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What steps do I take once I receive an inheritance?

Discussing the steps to take when preparing for or recently receiving an inheritance.

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Planning for healthcare expenses in retirement

Addressing the best ways to prepare for healthcare expenses in retirement.

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Retirement planning considerations you need to have in mind

Discussing retirement planning considerations people at or near retirement need to be thinking about.

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Roth 401(k) Conversion Strategy

Discussing an often-overlooked Roth 401(k) conversion strategy, also known as a Mega Backdoor Roth, how to execute it, and why it can be powerful.

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Retirement Accounts for Solo Business Owners

Discussing the individual or solo 401(k) in comparison to the Simplified Employee Pension, SEP IRA.

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The Financial Planning Process

Discussing the steps included in the financial planning process and what each step entails.

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Should I pay extra on my debts or invest that money instead?

Considerations when deciding whether to pay extra on debts or invest that money instead.

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What entity type should I choose for my business?

Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different entity types, one of the biggest decisions business owners make.

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Basics of Equity Compensation

Discussing the basics of equity compensation, how different stock-based compensation programs work, and how they are taxed.

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Budgeting Tactic for People with Variable Income Streams

Discussing a budgeting tactic to use for individuals with variable income after determining monthly expenses.

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Investment Philosophy and the Power of Diverisification

Discussing our investment philosophy and the reasoning behind it.

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Staying invested and a long-term approach to investing

Why you should stay invested through all market conditions and the benefits of a long-term investment approach

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How To Budget and Different Strategies to Consider

Discussing how to determine your specific needs, different budgeting strategies to consider, and steps to take to follow your budgeting strategy.

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Fundamentals of Estate Planning

Discussing the basics of estate planning, why an estate plan is needed, and the objectives that an estate plan should accomplish.

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How Federal Income Taxes Work

Explaining how federal income taxes work along with the process to determine federal income tax owed.

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Exceptions to the 10% Early Withdrawal Penalty

Discussing the exceptions to the 10% early withdrawal penalty from qualified plans and IRAs

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SECURE Act 2.0: 4 Key Considerations

Key considerations of the SECURE Act and how they may affect your financial plan..

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Capital Gain and Dividend Taxation

What are capital gains and dividends? What are the specific types and how are they taxed?

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Roth Conversions

Considerations of Roth conversions, benefits they provide, and when they can be useful.

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Features of Specific Savings Mechanisms

Diving into the characteristics of different accounts given current tax laws

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Building Tax Diversification Strategies in Retirement

Three main ways to save for retirement.

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